Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tiny amazing world!

I just ran into some photos from the Nikon Small World Contest 2011, and am truly amazed by the beauty of things we cannot even see!
The Lepidozia reptans, for example, a plant somewhat like moss, seems to have tiny tiny four-finger hands! It look so reptilian, but also like some water flower, I cannot decide whether it reminds me more of a dinosour, or a lotus flower :).
   Completely opposite this, is the volcanic rock crystal image. It looks like some modern painting from the 1960s to me. All verticals and horizontals.
  And finally, the most psychedelic of them all, the tip of the tongue of the butterfly! It gives a whole new dimension to the hippies' love of butterflies :)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And very soon, here comes the second one!

I was reading some of the stuff Germany-based American artist Stephanie Levy said during the e-course Creative Courage, that really touched me and I had to share:

"Important life lesson learned: Do not trust the opinions of strangers (or friends or family for that matter) who tell you that your creative dreams are impossible. They may mean well, but only you know what is good for you. Onlyyou can know what truly and deeply inspires you. Only you can know what is your true creative path.
"Stay true to yourself. Let your voice ring out, and don't let anybody fiddle with it." - David Lynch"

Or, as Shakespeare put it:
"..But most of all, to thine own self be true!"

I can immediately relate to this, but it is easier said than done :)! Yet, I have started making baby steps in this direction and will do my best to continue.

My first post!

So, here comes my first post on my new blog, where I truly hope I will be able to show my amateur art, for almost the first time in public, get feedback and learn from other people.
For starters, I am putting up a photo of a recent trip I took in the eastern mountains of Macedonia, where I was for the first time. It was also a first time after very long for me to spend some time on a mountain, and I felt great  - awake, relaxed and undisturbed by the noises and distractions of the city. It came as a surprise to me, because I always considered myself a city person. So, now my latest wish is to be able to live on a mountain, and come to the city only once a month. There is no realistic way that this will come true any time soon, so I'll just keep on daydreaming about it for a while :)